I grew up in Sheboygan, Wisconsin, a small town located in the middle of the state surrounded by farms. I remember my Dad taking our family on Sunday afternoon drives out on local countryside roads. I remember seeing animals grazing on grass and farmers tending to their fields; neighbors helping neighbors and families helping families. I remember the simple kind gestures, the small town values, and the hope I had that one day I could be a part of this simple lifestyle. 
But now there are no farms. There are no animals grazing in the fields and no fields for the farmers to tend to. 
I began to wonder why.
In August, 2013, I was driving up to Door County, Wisconsin, on one of the same Wisconsin country roads my Dad drove us on when I was a kid. Then, I came upon an abandoned lob cabin with the frame of an old torn down barn out back. As I looked on, I saw this shell of a house that was barely standing and the possibilities started to fill my mind....
I could create a place where I'd share the values that I grew up with by building a network, a community of good hard working people. I'd put animals on this land to graze and crops in these fields to tend to, and threw it I'd educate our local and Wisconsin based communities. I'd help local sustainable businesses prosper by sharing my years of advertising/promotional experience and knowledge, and, in turn, promote their business and products. I'd make this place a sanctuary; a get away from every day life. It would be a place where we could share the values that I grew up with, and we could share that simple life, together. 
Live simpler. 

Mission Statement
The Simple Life, Inc. is dedicated to promoting a sustainable and socially responsible way of life in the greater Wisconsin area. Our mission is to cultivate an organic society that supports our Wisconsin agricultural landscape through the fostering of organic cooperatives, promoting educational learning incentives and supporting local sustainable business initiatives. 

Vision Statement
Our vision of a sustainable future means our children and our children's children will be able to one day drive down a local Wisconsin country road and see working family farms and animals grazing in green pastures again. We adhere to the small town values we grew up with, while promoting freedom of choice, human kindness, creativity and diversity. Our business is about making a difference ini our local communities and in the environments in which we operate. 
Wireframe Organizational Chart
Mood Board

Character Design
Animated Video
Website and QR Code Packaging
Phone App Design
Apparel Design
Truck Design
Chicken Coop

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